Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring break countdown, INITIATE! T-minus 10 Days

Can't wait for it. Spring break 2011! Although I'm probably going to end up doing nothing besides gaming, watching movies with my good friend Soak, and maybe going out with a significant female (if lucky), I NEEDD this relaxation time. At least the third quarter is over, and the fourth quarter is beginning, meaning this week will be subtle.. Unfortunately this is not true. With the realization that AP Exams are only a month away, I'm going to have to eliminate most of my free time and allocate it to studying. I should probably study during Spring Break for the AP exams. That'd be smart. Moving on now, remember how I faked sick on Friday last week? Well yeah, it has come back to haunt me (no duh), I have a few makeup things to do afterschool tomorrow, and a lot of catching up to do. Said catching up to do should be done right now. I was planning on writing more.. Whatever..

And if you guys haven't noticed yet, I like ending my blogs with a question to my followers pertaining to "what's up".

So, my fellow bloggermen, what are your plans for Spring Break 2011? If Spring Break 2011 has come and gone for you, how was it?


Clueless Dolphin said...

ugh, my spring break is already over

John said...

I plan to spend my spring break with you buddy :D

Andrew said...

In Australia we have something similar to springbreak for all highschool graduates called 'schoolies'. I plan to be partying for 1 week non-stop.

Anonymous said...

I'm counting down to when school is finished. Approximately the same amount of time for me, too! I'm stoked for it!

Fix PC Games Admin said...

I'll have no spring break ! :D

apothecarie said...

Spring break has come and gone for me, and I spent it studying (uurgh) but at least it's not too much longer until summer!!

Solomander said...

The break is already over for me, dude... So lame...

Dazza said...

mine just started
but its autumn break here =P

Azoo said...

fkucing hell....

I wish my college had spring break; we only get winter break off....

Adi Avishalom said...

Have fun during spring break.. ill be in Florida

Anonymous said...

Unfortanately, i don't get a spring break :( but i did get to hang out with some friends who did

anyways, noce blog and i'll def. be coming back

Azoo said...

Plans for break are not too much.

I mostly plan to write.

MKD said...

Lasst day of school tomorrow for me!

Get about 2 and a half weeks holidey

DynamiteGanja said...

Deppressed is my current state of being because of all this talk about spring break and mine happened last week.

Summer is around the corner so looking forward to that.

Anonymous said...

Actually mine are the exact same as yours coincidentally! Though I'll probably be going to lots of paryts.

Efflorescence said...

Ij go to uni, I don't get my break til later D:

I'm jeealousd

taio said...


obi said...

hellp great blog i will be following.

Antonio said...

feels like summertime already in my hometown

Parallel-Reality Hero said...

I'm counting the days myself. It's about time we got some sleep. Finally.

Drej said...

Played some games, watched some movies. Yeah I'm a nerd.

The Rob said...

Srping break 2011 will be rad!! I am soooo looking forward to relaxing and partyyyyying!!! YAY!!!