Wednesday, March 30, 2011

After school

Having real fun! I find it hilarious how I make a schedule then never follow through. Speaking of scheduling, i just use Google Docs for my sceduling, it syncs my from my WebOS phone to my desktop every hour so then I can be an organized little student! hehe. What do you use to organize yourself, my loyal bloggers?


Navi said...

procrastinate until final hour. then hunker down and get stuff done

Anonymous said...

Write stuff down on scraps of paper, pin said scrap to corkboard.
Alternatively, if what I need to do is pin-able, then ... well.... you get the idea.
*glares at parking ticket pinned to corkboard*

David said...

I don't really use anything, I just tend to remember the things I need to remember.

WizWayne said...

wow thats a good idea gotta check that out

SOMS said...

i havent used an agenda in years.. the really important stuff i use my phone for to remember it. works great

cool_cicler said...

My organization method is quite simple: I leave evrything in its right place the day before or make a list of things-to-do.

Lemmiwinks said...

great post. following you

Obi-wan Mikenobi said...

I don't organise. Like at all. Ever.

apothecarie said...

I write everything on a little dry erase board in front of my desk.

nice blog btw, following.

Tech's Mechs said...

I simply remember what I'm supposed to do and do it.